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Human-Computer Interaction and methods - Week 4 - 14.03.22


Actualizado: 27 mar 2022

Article by Antti Oulasvirta - Esko Kurvinen - Tomi Kankainen

Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in bodystorming.

-Bodystorming refers to a design method in which a design session is performed on-site, in the original context. It has being defined by the authors as "brainstorming in the wild"

It can give more understanding of the context and the factors that sourround it.

Obiquitous Computing:

Mark Weiser. The early research was focused on finding universal context attributes solutions. Some attributes such as time and location were found repeatdly. Now, researchers agree on determining the contextual attributes for each application in order to make the human - computer interaction as natural as it can be.



design based on documentation

Shortcomings: Observation and documentation needs to be interpreted, therefore is always biased. Participants get tired.

Before bodystorming, preliminary observation and documentation is made.One of its advantages is that people can quickly build a mental model of the sourrounding that is directly observable.

Bill Gaver, Tony Dunne and Elena Pacenti

Design Cultural Probes

new pleasures, new forms of sociability and new cultural forms.

they were trying to know more about their desires, their aesthetic preferences and cultural concerns.

They didnt want to be perceived neither as servants, just focusing on the user's needs and letting the elders decide the design choises, neither as formal researchers with questioners. They aimed to have an inbetween of those two.

Geographical and cultural distances as a challenge.

The aesthetics were well carefully though and designed in a way that they could transmit a message visually, but also designed in a non-profesional finish in order to give an informal and personal feeling. The packaging desing was created in an attempt to reduce the distance.


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